Tuesday, February 23, 2010

time for a fresh start

A new blog to go with a new time. My last blog is one that I started in 2006, when I was as lost as a goose. I like to think I'm a little bit more found now, so a new blog seemed fitting. I understand that blogging is somewhat "out of style," but so are roller skates. Not that I roller skate.

Well, let me introduce myself. I'm Shelley. That much is obvious. I come from a big, loud, brunette family. I'm studying music and foreign languages. I sing and play piano. I love everyone.

Un beau désordre means a beautiful mess, a song by the incredibly fresh Jason Mraz.

Recently, I've changed quite a bit. I made severe mistakes and paid for them dearly. As hard as it was, it served to show me what I needed to be and do, and for that, I am grateful. I'm now on the road to recovering many things. It's a long road, but I'm on it, which is the important thing.

I plan on being a faithful blogger from now on. I have so many daily thoughts that I feel the need to let some of them spill out at 92 words per minute on my adorable pink netbook. Wish me luck.

Love, Shelley.

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