Monday, February 28, 2011

let's talk about virginity

*DISCLAIMER: I am not hating on purity rings, or people that wear always, just my thoughts*

I got you with the title, didn't I? Of course I did.

Someone very special to me asked me recently if I have ever worn a purity ring. Simply put, no. Not because I don't believe in the sanctity of marriage or the value of purity. I have three reasons for not wearing a purity ring.

1) I never got around to getting one when I was younger.

As I got older, I decided not to get around to getting one. Because:

2) To me, wearing a purity ring seems like the pretty equivalent of wearing a sticky note on your forehead that says, "I AM A VIRGIN. GO AHEAD AND ASK ME WHY." ...Do I need people to ask me about my sex life, or lack thereof? MOREOVER, is one of the functions of a purity ring an excuse for teenagers to talk about sex? Sorry, but I don't necessarily want the first thing that people think when they see me (and my purity ring) to be, "She's got a purity ring. She's a virgin." Stay classy, Planet Earth.

3) If I did want the aforementioned thought to be the first thing people notice about me, then as a Christian, the fact that I am not wearing a wedding ring SHOULD be evidence enough that I am, in fact, a virgin. Since when do we have to wear a purity ring to let people know that we're remaining pure? Why can't we just BE PURE!

Of course I believe in purity. Of course I believe true love waits. But that doesn't mean I want to have a conversation with any random person that happens to notice a purity ring on my finger about how I'm waiting to have sex until I get married.
