Beauty is truth, truth beauty--that is all ye know on earth, and all ye need to know. - John Keats
Friday, December 24, 2010
Christmas Eve
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
My Own Personal Saboteur, or Why CJ Is My Least Favorite Sister
Bagels, in small terms for Shelley.
5 c hot water
2 T yeast
Dissolve yeast in water.
8 scant cups flour
Cover and let rise till doubled in bulk and very bubbly.
3 T yeast
1/4 c honey
8 c flour
It's ok if you can't stir all the flour in. Turn it onto the counter and knead it in until dough is very firm and stiff.
Divide into 32 equal pieces. Roll each piece into a ball. Poke a hole in the middle of each ball and stretch out the hole till it looks like a bagel. Cover and let rise till they're as big as you want them.
Fill dutch oven about halfway with water. Boil. Reduce to heavy simmer. Put bagels in the boiling water. Boil on each side 2-3 minutes.
Put boiled bagels on baking sheets that have been greased and sprinkled with cornmeal.
Bake at 425 till they're done. How long? I have no idea. Just till they're brown and look done.
If I had been a little bit more intelligent (if you know me, say nothing), I might have caught the malicious glitch above. But I did not, and I made my bagels, following this recipe exactly. I only had to call her ONCE to make sure I was doing it right. She evilly assured me that everything was going just fine. Feeling rather good about myself and my bagels, I put the first batch in the oven. After a conspicuously long time of them not looking done, I finally pulled them out, only to realize with horror that they were ROCK. HARD. Blerg. I must have overbaked them. No problem, I'll get it right the second time around. So I put the next batch in and hoped for the best. In the meantime, I crack open one of my fossilized bagels, found it to be slightly soft in the middle, and tasted it...or, I tried to taste it. What I tasted reminded me of water. Or dirt. So in a frenzy, I call my dear sister--the sister I rely on for nearly everything, and thus went our conversation:CJ: Hey! Did they turn out okay?
Me: NO!
CJ: Why? What did you do? (Notice how she tries to pin this on me)
Me: I don't know! The first batch came out and they're completely hard, so I thought I had overbaked them, but I tasted them and I can't taste anything! Was I supposed to put salt in them or something??
CJ: Yes! Of course you were!
Me: Well it's not in the recipe you gave me.
CJ: Yes it is.
Me: No it's not. I'm looking at it right now.
CJ: Oh no.....oh crap.....
Me: What?
CJ: I put yeast instead of salt!
At this time, I'd like to invite you to revisit the recipe above, and notice that yeast appears twice in the recipe--the first time, like normal, dissolved in water. But the SECOND time, my friends, THREE EXTRA TABLESPOONS mixed in with honey and flour. You guessed it--that yeast was supposed to be salt. Which accounts for the bagel being rock solid, the lack of flavor, and the fact that they were ENORMOUS.
CJ: *uncontrollable laughter with interspersed "I'm so sorry!!"s*
Me: I hate you so much. What am I going to do with 32 huge hard nasty bagels??
CJ: *see above*
Me: You are the worst sister ever.
CJ: Oh my gosh, that's so disgusting! You put five tablespoons of yeast in the bagels??
Me: Don't try and make this about me. WHO is the blonde sister now?!
So 32 bagels (some cooked, some not) went into the trash. It is my firm belief that CJ felt threatened by my mad baking skills and didn't want me stepping on her finest work, so she sabotaged me on purpose. She would do that. You know she would. She's just that evil.
I miss her so much.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010
a grateful people
- Christ
- Freedom
- Grace
- John and Cathi Warren...for everything and more
- Siblings: Aubrey Russell; Kristen Slaughter; Annie Welty; Cathryn Longenbaugh; Nathan Warren; Beth Warren; Caleb Warren; Timothy Warren...I couldn't begin to imagine a better group of people to call my brothers and sisters
- In-laws: Dirk Russell; Dave Slaughter; Caleb Welty; Tony Longenbaugh...for taking such good care of my sisters
- Nephews and nieces: Jonathan; David; Joshua; Isaac; Abigail; Samuel; Molly; Warren; Henry; Carrie; Liam; Baby Slaughter; Erin; Judah; Savannah; light up my life
- Dear friends: Cheyenne Sabo; Hannah Cisarik; Chris White; Hayden Fletcher; Cristen Gauthier; Rachel Wells (and many others)...I can't tell you how incredible these people are
- My job and the fabulous girls I work with...I know God put me there and with them for a reason
- My piano...for still being there for me, whenever I need it
- My church family...what an excellent, loving group of believers
- The girl at the Starbucks in Barnes&Noble at La Cantera...she always knows what I'll order, and she always makes me smile
- Lewis Wells and Hillary McFarland...God uses these amazing Christians in such astounding ways
- My red platform heels...they make me feel pretty
- My adorable pink computer...for not dying...yet
- This blog...for helping me keep track of my rambling, disorganized thoughts
Thank YOU.
In love and thanks,
Friday, November 19, 2010
no more, my God
Sunday, November 14, 2010
I'm here
If I promised, I believe
Thursday, November 11, 2010
for the weary and troubled
Monday, November 8, 2010
remember this time?
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
free to be me
Thursday, October 21, 2010
less like scars and more like character
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
wedding post part 2

Thursday, October 7, 2010
Monday, October 4, 2010
wedding post part 1
Monday, September 27, 2010
no change of heart, a change in me
Sunday, September 26, 2010
put on your Sunday clothes, there's lots of world out there
Monday, September 20, 2010
Trust me
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
"This is a story of boy meets girl, but you should know up front: this is not a love story"
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Rain ~ Patty Griffin
Sunday, September 5, 2010
it can be a girl's name...
Saturday, September 4, 2010
i'll wait for you, i promise you...
Sunday, August 29, 2010
we'll make it through
everything will be fine
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
more on comparisons
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
on everything
Monday, August 23, 2010
leaning on Him
Saturday, August 21, 2010
waiting on the world to change
Saturday, July 17, 2010
well it goes without saying
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
measure in love
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Things I learned and did while 17
- Broken Social Scene's "Anthems For a 17-Year-Old Girl" is highly irrelevant
- Going to the pool with your nieces and nephews is a delicious way to spend a birthday
- I started reading Fahrenheit 451 on my birthday because in the first chapter, the female character introduces herself as "17 and crazy." Thus, my interest was piqued. I have yet to finish the book.
- Listening to swing music while on a stepladder is a very. bad. idea.
- Directing rehearsals for a kids' musical in the dead of summer, outside, is the worst.
- Two of my best friends and I started a movie review blog. It was great. Except that we thought of it at 3 in the morning. That was a year ago, and there are all of two posts.
- Apparently, the death of a hasbeen, pedophile popstar can cause national uproar unlike anything I'd seen.
- The best way to spend a summer is with a sister, brother-in-law, niece and nephew.
- It is madness trying to get pictures of 9 siblings, everyone in a different color, making sure that two people standing next to each other don't clash.
- My brother-in-law Dave painted my room. It is gold and sparkly. No kidding. It goes well with my dark purple curtains.
- Having an organ in the house does not necessarily mean that I will ever be motivated enough to learn to play it.
- The people closest to you can easily turn on you out of the blue.
- In one morning, I made 5 dozen orange cake balls, 5 dozen chocolate cake balls, 2 dozen chocolate dipped strawberries and 2 pots of hot tea for a little girls' tea party with their Granny.
- I had 3 WHMC doctors, 4 X-rays and 6 physical therapists tell me that I have a bad back--which I already knew.
- When the power goes out at your house in the middle of summer, your entire family can crash a friend's house and have a wonderful time.
- Holocaust movies are sad, but tolerable. Holocaust movies about children are unbearable.
- I complain too much.
- Texas cake is amazing, but don't ever try to layer it. It was cause of much heartache.
- I made community college much more fun by withholding my age as long as possible, and watching people's faces afterwards.
- My sisters and I went to see Jason Mraz in Austin, and it was life-changing.
- The last musical my sisters and I directed brought out the worst in me. And many other people.
- Never again will I participate another of the aforementioned musical.
- Give grace.
- I look old enough that people don't ask my age before offering me Jello shots.
- I would have done better to refuse the Jello shots.
- One of the best things I did all year was start taking voice lessons.
- L'habite ne fait pas le moine.
- Being claustrophobic and being stuck in an elevator is absolutely no fun.
- Never, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever take trust for granted.
- See above.
- See above.
- See above.
- Find a healthy way to express yourself.
- It's hard to apologize when you're not ready to be forgiven.
- Be grateful for the people with whom God surrounds you.
- Excessive baking is not the answer.
- I read a Dr. Seuss book in French to some very Texan kids. It was very fun.
- If I find that I've been taking myself too seriously, I go out in public in my green skinny jeans.
- You can never be "prepared enough."
- In January, I tried to quit caffeine until my birthday. I lasted one day.
- Reflect often upon what you are grateful for.
- Journaling in French makes it much more difficult for your sister to read it (as per usual).
- I'd rather listen to truly talented, secular artists than mediocre, watered down Christian artists.
- J'étais française dans une autre vie.
- Frankenstein is an intensely powerful book.
- My lifelong disdain for poetry was rooted in an incomplete poetic education.
- I am now a very big John Keats fan.
- Don't associate with adults who insist on acting like children. In a bad way.
- My metronome has tough love for me.
- Ask yourself what your purpose is.
- My brothers will do literally ANYTHING for sandwiches.
- American Idol is lame.
- This not-being-able-to-drive business is nonsense.
- Taking senior pictures on a windy day is not very fun.
- Breaking ties is hard.
- Don't call yourself secure until you've been called some horrible things and see how you feel.
- La grâce couvre une multitude de péchés.
- Apparently, my heart can break without my even knowing it!
- My expectations for a Christian concert were far too low before seeing Hillsong United.
- Whenever someone begins talking to me by saying my name, it usually means they're being condescending.
- Whenever someone ends a sentence to me with my name, it usually means they're being encouraging or emphatic.
- I made complete strangers think that I only spoke French. It was a good feeling.
- I have been taking my sister CJ for granted for 18 years. Now she's getting married and leaving me. I'm preparing for a hard adjustment.
- I realized that I have a compulsive need to be right. I'm working on it.
- Senioritis is not a myth. It is vicious. It is caused by a mixture of adolescence and 12 consecutive years in school; its symptoms include lethargy, apathy and severe procrastination regarding school, and everything.
- Judging a band by the amount of eyeliner the male lead singer wears (or used to wear) can deafen you to their beautiful music.
- Loving someone out of obligation is not love.
- I graduated high school!
- I spent an entire year preparing for my senior piano recital.
- I played, from memory, seven major piano works at the aforementioned piano recital.
- The people of whom you think well can disappoint you.
- The people of whom you don't think well can surprise you.
- I decided that I don't know what I'm doing with my life, and I was/am okay with that.
Friday, June 11, 2010
from where i sit you're one of a kind

Tuesday, May 11, 2010
i'm feelin good
- get a REAL job
- get my driver's license
- take a road trip by myself
- change someone's life
- smoke a cigarette...just one, once
- become trustworthy
- play pretty music with my friends...often
- stop pretending I'm more hipster than I really am
- [finally] learn to play my organ
- read more books
- start applying myself more to church music
- say "thank you" more
- grow up
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Our God is mighty to save
Monday, April 19, 2010
"Music is such an expensive habit"
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Saturday, April 10, 2010
c'est pour vous
Sunday, April 4, 2010
a violent grace
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
"Stop telling such outlandish tales, stop turning minnows into whales."